


We are the Penkhull Ukulele band

A small group of friends who started to play the ukulele at the beginning of 2013.  This picture shows most of our current line up at the Dog and Partridge pub in Marchington.

We perform a mixture of music - mainly from the 1960's & 70's but later as well.

Watch the news page for coming events, and contact us through our guestbook page if you would like us to play at your event or have any suggestions for songs for the future.

If you want to see what we have been up to coming out of lockdown, here is our effort at social distance practicing. Since then we have started working on new material.

  You can find all our     videos here



Put this page into your browser as a favourite and have a look at our facebook page.

If you are new player (or even an experienced player looking for the lost chord) try this chord chart courtesy of www.ukuke.co.uk.









(P.S thanks to Kollektives Schreiben for the public domain image of a ukulele)

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